Women With Some Changes For Next Season
Fir eis jonk Dammenequipe, kënnt et an der kommender Saison zu grousse Verännerungen. Mir wëllen iech fir d‘éischt déi Spillerinnen ukënnegen, déi bleiwen: d’Lina Troes, d’Mara Di Giambattista, d’Marie Palma, d’Melissa Genoud, d’Joëlle Nerden, d’Anne Wagner an d’Anouk Reisch. No enger Paus, stéisst d’Cléo Beck och erëm zu eis a mir hoffen, datt mir geschwënn weider Spillerinne kënne bekannt ginn. D’Sarah Luis, eng vun eise Cadetten, wäert nei am Team sinn. Weider Cadette wäerte mat eis mattrainéieren, och wann si net onbedéngt bäi den Dammematcher matspille wäerten. Eng ganz Rëtsch Meedercher wäerten 2021/2022 eng Baskets-Paus aleeën, well si am Ausland wäerte studéieren: d‘Charline Ries, d‘Jill Meyers, d‘Joyce dos Santos, d’Lara Mores an d’Nina Schmitz. Mir soen iech Merci fir är Zäit an eise Reien a wënschen iech all vill Gléck fir déi nei Etapp an ärem Liewen. Mir wäre frou iech no dem Studium erëm bei eis begréissen ze kënnen.
Due to the fact of having a young team, our Women will suffer considerable changes on their team. Starting with the players that are staying, we are pleased to keep counting with Lina Troes, Mara Di Giambattista, Marie Palma, Melissa Genoud, Joëlle Nerden, Anne Wagner and Anouk Reisch for the upcoming season. Coming back after a short break away from basketball, Cléo Beck will also be joining the team as other new players should be announced soon. Sarah Luis, who will be moving up to Cadettes next season, and therefore eligible to play for Women, will also be joining the team while other Cadettes that won’t be playing for Women will be a part of the work group as well. On the opposite way are Charline Ries, Jill Meyers, Joyce dos Santos, Lara Mores and Nina Schmitz that will be forced to put basketball in Luxembourg on stand by as they all intend to continue their studies abroad and won’t be able to stay in Heffingen for 2021/2022. We would like to thank all of you for your time at the Club and wish you good luck on this next chapter of your lives. Hopefully, we’ll have the pleasure of having you back in the future once you successfully finish your studies.