Rusty Comeback To Competition
No enger laanger Paus, hu mir e Mëttwoch dee Match géint Contern nogeholl, dee bekanntlech wéinst dem COVID-19 huet misste verréckelt ginn. Déi 17-Punktendifferenz déi zum Schluss um Tableau stoung, spigelt net den eigentlech Ënnerscheed tëschent deene béiden Equippen erëm. Mir haten e ganz schlechte Start an de leschte Véierel an hunn der Heemequipe domat en 12:0-Run erlaabt. Duerch eis déif Trefferquote, hate mir net dee Comeback, dee mir eis all erhofft haten. Contern louch de ganze Match vir, mee mir hunn ni opginn an hätte souguer fënnef Mol d’Chance gehat d’Féierung ze iwwerhuelen, wat eis awer net gelongen ass.
Kucke mir zeréck op eise Match géint Hesper, da gesi mir, datt mir eis offensive konnte verbesseren. D’Equipe huet an der Offfense disziplinéiert gespillt an dëst huet eis erlaabt, vill oppe Schossméiglechkeeten erauszespillen an och eis Trefferquote ze verbesseren. Kloer gëtt et nach villes, wat mir kënne besser maachen, awer flott war et och, datt all eis 12 Spiller hunn däerfen hiren Deel zum Erfolleg bäidroen. Mir wëllen awer och d’Leeschtung vun eisem Géigner ervirhiewen, deen net vill Méiglechkeet hat fir ze wiesselen. Dir hutt beandrockend Schëss fäerdeg bruecht an déi 40 Minutten duerchgekämpft, wat eis Victoire nach méi wäertvoll mëscht.
After a long break, we finally got back on the court last wednesday to play the game we had behind against Contern which was postponed due to COVID-19. The final 17-point difference didn’t reflect the difference between the two teams but thanks to the team’s bad start in the fourth quarter, with a 12-0 run for the home team, and the low shooting percentage, this come back to the court was not the one we hoped for. With Contern leading the score throughout the whole game, our team never gave up and even managed to have a chance to take the lead in five different moments but the lack of discernment prevented us from actually doing it.
Regarding the game in Hesperange, there was already a lot of improvement offensively. The team was able to play more disciplined on offense what allowed us to create lots of open shots and improve our shooting percentage. Still with lots to improve, highlight for the fact that all 12 players had game time and contributed for the win. A word of praise to our opponent that with a shorter rotation was able to scare some impressive shots, fighting for the game throughout the entire 40 minutes, valuing our win.
Contern 83-66 Heffingen
OLY Charel, JONES Christopher (15), THESEN Joel (9), DI GIAMBATTISTA Jo, SCHMIT Tim, MAKOSI Dylan.