Bittersweet Start For Our Senior Teams

No 6 Méint Paus, konnte mir dëse Weekend erëm mat den offizielle Matcher lassleeën. Wéi erwaart, haten eis Hären en zimmlech schwéiere Start, an dat géint Spiller, déi eis duerch hir Kierpergréisst iwwerleeë waren. No engem gudde Start hate mir an der Hallschent e Réckstand vu 15 Punkten. Mir hunn awer net opginn, sou datt mir 5 Minutte virum Schluss bis op 7 Punkten erukomm sinn, mee duerch e puer iwwerstierzten Entscheedungen ass et eis net méi gelongen d’Spill nach ze dréien. Et war wierklech net dee Start an d’Saison, dee mir eis erwaart haten. Awer et steet fir eis alleguer fest, dass mir et dëse Weekend (duebele Spilldag) besser wëlle maachen.

Déi Wëlzer Damme waren direkt ganz present an dëst huet et eise Meedercher schwéier gemaach, fir an de Match ze starten. Mee mir hu reagéiert an haten an der Hallschent just e Réckstand vun engem Punkt. No der Paus hu mir eis Defense ugepasst an hunn doduerch e ganz gudden 3. Véierel gespillt (8:23). De Virsprong, dee mir erausgeschloen haten, huet et eis erlaabt, de Match bis zur Schlusstuut ze kontrolléiert an dëst, obwuel eis Géignerinne wierklech probéiert hunn am leschte Véierel de Match fir sech ze entscheeden.

After 6 months without competition, we got back to official games this weekend. As expected, our guys had to face a really tough game physically due to the size difference. After a good start, our team goes to halftime trailing by 15 points. Without giving up, we still managed to cut the opponent’s lead to 7 points with still around 5 minutes to play in the last quarter but due to some rash decisions, our guys were never able to take back the lead. It was not the start the team hoped for but everyone’s decided do correct it already in next weekend’s double round game.

As for the Women, our girls didn’t have a good start, mainly due to Wiltz strong presence in the post. Still, the team was able to react and bounced back managing to close out on the score, going to halftime trailing just by one point. In the second half, some defensive adjustments boosted the team to make a great third quarter (8-23), building a lead that allowed them to control the score until the final buzzer sound despite the opponent’s comeback attempt in the last quarter.


Heffingen 73-95 Dudelange
1Q: 15-19 | 2Q: 32-47 (17-28) | 3Q: 55-67 (23-20) | 4Q: 73-95 (18-28)
STARTING 5: SCHMIT Max (13), JONES Christopher (13), BARZACCA Steve (3), YARBROUGH Milik (18), STEPHENS Nelly (15).

Wiltz 54-61 Heffingen
1Q: 15-11 | 2Q: 29-28 (14-17) | 3Q: 37-51 (8-23) | 4Q: 54-61 (17-10)
STARTING 5: PALMA Marie (8), MEYERS Jill (7), GENOUD Melissa (9), REISCH Anouk (26), TROES Lina (5).