Women With Stage In Lultzhausen Before Season Start

Eng Woch virum offizielle Start, hunn eis Dammen e Weekend zu Lëlz verbruecht, fir sech sou als Team op den éischte Match ze preparéieren. Mat ville flotte Momenter hu mir d’Preparatiounsphas zesummen ofgeschloss, mir sinn als Team zesummegewuess an eise leschten Testmatch géint den Telstar, bäi deem mir offiziell virgestallt gi sinn, konnte mir mat enger Victoire (63:58) ofschléissen. Dës Woch sammele mir eis Energie, fir eis beim éischte Match mat Wolz ze moossen; där Equipe, mat där mir déi lescht Saison ëm d’éischt Plaz an der National 2 gekämpft hunn.

One week away from the start of competition, our Women’s team took the chance to go for a stage in Lultzhausen, during the weekend, to get everyone in sync for the first official game. Finishing the pre-season with lots of fun to bring the group together and with a win in between against Telstar (63-58) for the team’s presentation game, our girls will now channel their energy into getting ready for their first official game in Wiltz, facing the team with who we were fighting with for the top spot in last season’s National 2.