Men Get Their Second Win In Bertrange
E weidere Frëndschaftsmatch stoung fir eis Hären als Preparatioun fir de Start vun der TOTAL League un. De Match géint d‘Sparta war séier an heiansdo konfus. Eis Ekipp huet awer eng gutt Astellung ënnert Beweis gestallt a gewisen, datt si um richtege Wee fir den offizielle Start vun der Saison ass. Mir soen der Sparta Bartreng villmools Merci fir d’Invitatioun a wënschen hinnen op dësem Wee eng ganz gutt Saison.
One more friendly game, this time against Sparta, and one more step forward given in our guys’ preparation for the start of TOTAL League. A fast paced game, confusing at some points, that showed a nice attitude from our team which is in the right track to be ready for the first official game of the season. We thank Sparta Bertrange for inviting us for this game and wish them a good season.
DI GIAMBATTISTA Jo (2), THESEN Joel (6), BALCHIN John, SCHMIT Tim (11), FIGUERA Jonathan (8).