Heffingen Signs With Milik Yarbrough
Nodeems mir schonns annoncéiert haten, datt den Nelly och fir eng 3.Saison wäert bei eis spillen si mir frou iech haut eisen 2. Amerikanesche Spiller virzestellen. De 24-järegen an 1,98m grousse Milik Yarbrough kann Positiounen 2-4 spillen. Hien ass als villsäitegen, staarken an athletesche Spiller bekannt, deen säin eegene Schoss ka kreéieren, e gudde Ballhandler ass an de Wee zum Kuerf sicht. De Milik huet vun 2017-2019 fir d’Uni vun Illinois State gespillt mat enger Moyenne vu 16,6 Punkten, 6,7 Rebounds an 3,9 Assists an enger Reussite vu 50% pro Match. No engem Supercup-Match fir de portugisesche Club Oliveirense ass hie vun dem argentineschen 1.Divisiounsclub Libertad Sunchales ënner Vertrag geholl ginn. Hei hat hien eng Moyenne vun 10,1 Punkten, 3,7 Rebounds, 0,8 Assists an 1,1 Steals an enger Reussite vun 43,4% pro Match. Häerzlech Wëllkomm zu Hiefenech Milik!
Dat bedeit awer och, datt den Tay déi kommend Saison net méi bei eis wäert spillen. Mir wëllen him dofir op dësem Wee villmools Merci fir déi 2 flott lescht Saisone soen an him nëmmen dat bescht fir seng Zukunft wënschen.
After announcing that Nelly will be staying for a third season in Heffingen, the Club is now proud to announce our Men’s second american player, Milik Yarbrough. With 1,98m, the 24 year old can play at the guard and forward positions and is known to be a versatile, strong and athletic player who can create his own shot, handle the ball and slash to the basket. Milik played for Illinois State University during two seasons between 2017 and 2019, averaging 16,6 points per game, 6,7 rebounds and 3,9 assists while shooting over 50% from the floor. After that, he had a short passage by Portugal playing just one game for UD Oliveirense in the Supercup before signing for Libertad Sunchales in Argentina’s First Division where he averaged 10.1ppg, 3,7rpg, 0,8apg, 1,1spg, while shooting 43,4% from the floor. Welcome to Luxembourg and to Heffingen, Milik!
This signing also means that Tay won’t be staying with us and we would like to publicly thanking him for his two amazing years in Heffingen, wishing him all the success for the future.