Interview To Our Captain

Joel, elo wou mir d’Hinronn hannert eis hun, kanns du eis, als Us Hiefenech Capitain, eng kleng Analyse vun der Season machen? Ass se bis elo sou verlaaf wéi’s du dir daat virgestallt haas?

– Duerch déi vill Wiesselen op der Auslännerpositioun sin mir nach emmer an der „Findungsphase“. Bis lo hun mir nach net dogéint haalen kennen an mir kennen eis net zefidden gin mat der 10ter Platz. Et ass awer schéin ze gesin, dass mir dogéinthaalen an och Matcher gewannen kënnen, wann mir daat un Terrain emsätzen, waat mir am Training ofgemach hun. Mir haten en puer sauer défaiten awer ech mengen jiddereen an, an och emm d‘Ekipp gesäit den fortschrëtt den mir insbesoneg an denen läschten 2 Matcher gemach hun. Ech hoffen dass mir eis steigeren kënnen fir déi nächst 2 Matcher.

Denks du dass d‘Réckronn besser gëtt wéi d‘Hinronn? Waat ass fir dech eng gudd Réckronn?

– D‘Réckronn muss besser gin, wann mir eis Zieler wëllen errechen. D‘Conditiounen sin momentan vill besser wéi nach am Ufank vun der Saison. Eng gudd 2 Halschend wier et fir eis, wann mer an all Match kéinten mathaalen an mer kéinten ophaalen Matcher sou héisch ze verleiren, wéi daat nach an der Hinronn den Fall war.

An Ziel ass et….?

– An der d’Total League ze bleiwen.

Gëtt et nach eppes wats du den Zuschauer wëlls soen?

– Ech well eisen treien Supporter „merci“ soen. Den Support vun den Tribunen hëlleft eis extrem waerend den Matcher an gëtt eis extra Energie. Ech hoffen mir kënnen d’Zuel vun den Zuschauer an Zukunft nach erhéigen an kënnen en puer schéin Samsteg Owender zu Hiefenech an der Haal verbréngen!


Joel, as US Heffingen’s team captain, and now that we reached the break, can you make us a brief analysis of the season so far? Did it turn out as you expected?

– We are still in the process to build a team due to the changes of the american players. Until now, we had no consistency and we can not be happy with the 10th spot, but it’s good to see that we have a chance to compete and win games if we play as a team and execute the way we agree in practice. We had some tough losses so far but I think everybody in and around the team sees the progress especially in the last 2 games. I hope we can increase the pace now for the next games.

So do you expect the Qualifications’ second round to be better than the first one? What would you consider to be a good second round for this team?

– The second round has to be better if we want to reach our goal. The conditions right now are way better than for the start of the season. A good second round for us would be, if we were able to compete in every single game and stop having those huge losses that we had in the first round.

And that goal is…?

– To stay in TOTAL League!

Is there anything you want to say to who follows and supports the team?

– I want to say thank you to all who follow and support the team. The support during the game from the stands is extremely helpful and gives us extra energy. I hope we can increase the number of spectators in the future and have some great saturday nights in the Heffingen gym!

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